
You have all the technical aspects of your website in order. There is however one more thing left to do: adjustment of your content in a way that will make it optimally findable in Google. But how can you make your website easier findable with the help of keywords? That is one of the questions concerning SEO that clients often ask me. That is why in this blog post you will find information on how to use SEO keywords effectively in order to help positioning your website.

When you are surfing the internet for usage of keywords you will find that the opinions of SEO experts are divided. That is why I would like to share my experience in what works best for online shops. The mission is easy: to make your website findable! Organic findability usually means a huge boost in your sales and it also saves you a lot on marketing expenses.

Keyword density

Keyword density is being displayed by almost all website analyzers. Website analyzers are companies or websites responsible for in-depth analysis of your webpage(s). What does the keyword density actually tell you? It gives you the information on how often a specific keyword appears on your page.

But what is a good keyword density? Whenever you ask this question to SEO experts, again you will receive many different opinions. It is striking that most of the experts say not to calculate keyword density at all.

Personally, I stick to one rule: put the keyword combination in at least 3 important places. This can be for example in the URL, page title and the header. I try to use one keyword per approximately 100 words on a webpage. This method helps to make our website findable.

Long texts are being preferred

In a previous blog it is explained why you should not overload your text with keywords. In short: Google has a preference for longer texts that go more into depth.

The research from SERPIQ shows really clearly that pages with long texts rank higher in search machines. Thus, if you want to be found on a keyword that has a high competition rate, you should make sure that your page has more than 1500 words. This will significantly increase your chances of a higher rank in the search machines.

Less competition with a long-tail

Approximately 70 percent of all search queries are performed on so-called long tail keywords. Long-tail means that the search query consists of at least 4 words.

The number of search queries on specific long-tail combination is however lower. As a result the competition is also lower. With a low competition keyword there are fewer regulations concerning the keyword density. Thus, you do not have to write long texts to be found organically if your product is very unique or specific.

Who sticks to it, wins

Making your website findable has often to do with being very persistent. Obtaining a high organic ranking in a search engine often takes a lot of time. Of course it depends more factors than only writing texts. Nonetheless, if the technical aspects of your websites are in order, you can continue to improve the textual elements in order to leave your competitors far behind.

Are you going to write a new page, product description or a blog post? I would advise you not to pay too much attention to the number of keywords. Rather pay more attention to the content of the texts and make sure your readers are not being bothered by excessive use of keywords.